Tools>Browse Senders vs. Senders button

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Tools>Browse Senders vs. Senders button

Postby Bob Nemec » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:35 am

This may be old news, but the menu option will answer symbol references for senders, but the button will not. OTOH: it will show a prompt for partial method names (myMetho*), where the button will show a window with the result list (v7.0.1 ... haven't checked v7.5).

It makes sense that they're different, since the button was added by VA Assist. Could we get these to be consistent? Always include symbol references for senders, and always use the list window for partial method names.

Bob Nemec
Northwater Capital
Bob Nemec
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:07 am

Postby wembley » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:47 am

Bob -

I'll look into this and post back later today.
John O'Keefe [|], Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
Posts: 405
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Location: Durham, NC

Postby wembley » Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:30 pm

Bob -

OK, so I'm a day late :o

File in the following code:

!StsPowerTools class publicMethods !

"Private - Build the VA Assist menu."

| menu entry |

((menu := System systemMenu) findEntryNamed: #vaAssistProSubMenu) isNil
ifTrue: [
addSubMenu: #vaAssistProSubMenu label: '~', self productName enable: true for: self;
addLineAfter: #vaAssistProSubMenu].

(entry := menu findEntryNamed: #senders) isNil
ifFalse: [(menu entries at: entry) selector: #stsSenders; owner: System image].
(entry := menu findEntryNamed: #implementors) isNil
ifFalse: [(menu entries at: entry) selector: #stsImplementors; owner: System image]
! !

Then execute 'System updateTranscriptMenus'.

This will update the Transcript's Tools -> Browse Senders... and Tools-> Browse Implementors... menu items to show a window with the result list for partial method names.

As a sidenote, you may not have noticed that Options -> Tools -> Browse Senders... and Options -> Tools -> Browse Implementors... already work as you requested.

So now the buttons and the menu options are consistent (but symbol references for senders is gone :cry: ). I will need to consider this a little further and consult with Eric to see why his implementation doesn't do this before I decide what to do and whether to include the changes in the product.
John O'Keefe [|], Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
Posts: 405
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:01 am
Location: Durham, NC

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