smalltalk in Eclipse

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smalltalk in Eclipse

Postby louis_andriese » Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:34 pm


Yes, I do read James' blog :wink:
Some strange (at least to me) news he points at: a presentation by IBM-guys, titled Smalltalk Development Tools: Bringing Smalltalk to Eclipse
A pdf of the presentation with (mockup?) screenshots is also there:

How does this relate to IBM "abandonning" VAST and the succesfull takeover of support by Instantiations?

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Re: smalltalk in Eclipse

Postby wembley » Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:42 pm

Louis -

This is very interesting --particularly to me since I presented this at OOPSLA and Smalltalk Solutions (it was called the Black Knight project at the time) a few years back -- it was based on Eclipse V1 then. IBM decided not to continue funding my effort (this was before they "officially" abandoned Smalltalk, but the writing was on the wall). I was working with some folks at the IBM Ottawa lab and I know they continued to have a low-level interest in continuing the project there. Eclipse has matured greatly since V1 and a lot of the code we had to write (or "reuse" from the JDT) is now part of the framework.

At the time there were issues about the ancestory of some of the code we "reused" and so it would have been very difficult to actually release the work we did as open source. The entire effort would be easier now.

I don't recognize either of the authors, but I will pull on some of my old IBM strings and see what I can find out.
John O'Keefe [|], Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
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